Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Many of our friends have had babies lately. For some reason, I thought these friends were done having kids (they never told me that, I just decided that). I have to say, this has thrown me off a little. I was done, and therefore, everyone else who is friends with me should also be done. (READ: I am the center of the my mind)
I loved my babies...a LOT. I mean loved ON THEM. I never wear lipstick when I have babies, because I want to kiss 'em all day long, and I did. I chewed on their little chubby baby thighs and arms, blew zzrbrts (thats a raspberry to the rest of you) on their bellies, and talked baby talk to them all day long.
It bothers me that I never get to have that again. Sure, I am an aunt and someday a grandma, but I can never have that same relationship again. Besides, thats weird to be kissin' on someone elses baby like that.
This morning at volleyball, I got to hold Rachel B.'s little baby boy this morning. Heavenly. He has the cutest little hamster eyes, chubby cheeks, and he smelled like my favorite thing in the world, LAUNDRY!
If it is possible to be a baby huffer, I am guilty as charged.
You can't turn someone's 'no' into a 'yes' and so we are done, especially when it comes to deciding on having a nother child. I know that it is all the stress of school and life, that I am thinking I want to go back in time, when my babies were little, their messes were pretty contained, and I sang "I am a Child of God" while rocking a sleepy baby.

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